Global Recycling Network
Global Recycling Network
Global Recycling Network is an electronic information exchange that specializes in the trade of recyclables reclaimed in Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) streams, as well as the marketing of eco-friendly products.

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GRX LDPE Waste Exchange Listings
( Colored LDPE Scrap (baled) )

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 GRX  LDPE Waste Listings
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Climate Impact Calculator for LA1368801
Listing Value Metric Tonne
Carbon Equivalent
Offset Value
Proposed Sustainability
Tax Credit Value
Transaction Value
$ 10000 USD 42.64 MTCE $ 8.53 USD $ 852.80 USD $ 10,852.80 USD

Climate Impact Calculator

Carbon is one of the world's fastest growing commodities. Over 5 billion tonnes have been traded in the last three years alone. Global carbon markets were worth billion (€47 billion) in 2007, up form around billion in 2006. The market saw transactions for 2.9 billion tonnes of CO2e where the EU ETS accounted for 70 per cent of the volume and over 78 per cent of the value (Source: World Bank).

The next few years are expected to witness futher transformation and growth, with a new global agreement to limit carbon emissions and the likely emergence of substantial carbon markets across North America and Australia. According to the Congressional Budget Office, current legislation being considered in Congress would create a market valued at billion in 2012 in the US alone (Source : European Climate Exchange).

The act of recycling fundamentally leads to a reduction of carbon emissions and other Green House Gases (GHG). Recycling efforts by industrial entitities may be best rewarded by establishing a tax credit system in lieu of Carbon Offset Credits.


Listing Value

The Listing Value is calculated by multiplying the quantity and the market price of the grade of material noted in the exchange listing. The reported value is USD funds.
Listing Value = Market Price X Quantity of Material

MTCE - Metric Tonne Carbon Equivalent

The MTCE value is calculated using carbon reduction data noted in the US EPA WARM Model documentation. This value represents the Carbon emmission reduction resulting from the act of recycling the grade of material noted in the Exchange Listing.
(US EPA WARM) : United States Environmental Protection Agency WAste Reduction Model

Estimated Carbon Offset Value

This value is calculated using the value of CO2 as published by the Chicago Climate Exchange (CCX) multiplied by the MTCE value. The carbon offset value is reported in USD.
The CCX is one of several Exchanges that facilitate the trading of Carbon Offset Credits. The commodity traded on CCX is the Carbon Financial Instrument (CFI) contract, each of which represents 100 metric tons (tonne) of CO2 equivalent (MTCE) Exchange Allowances or Exchange Offsets. The CCX carbon offset value used represents the end of day price for 1 MTCE as reported by the CCX from the previous day of trade.
Estimated Carbon Offset Value = (MTCE) X (CCX Carbon Offset Price)

PROPOSED Sustainability Tax Credit Valuation

Currently this value is conceptual in nature. This value is based on the position that :

  1. the act of recycling reduces carbon emissions and other greenhouse gases
  2. recycling of materials is a beneficial industrial process
  3. governments pass legislature that provides a tax credit to promote recycling of materials by industry
  4. company's who recycle, and or participate in the chain of transactions resulting in the recycling of materials, benefit from the tax credits based on the quanity of material processed.
The Sustainability Tax Credit Valuation is calculated by assuming a USD / tonne Tax Credit and multiplying it against the quantity of material recycled. The valuation is reported in US funds .

Estimated Transaction Value

This value represents the sum of the exchange Listing's value, the Estimated Carbon Offset Value and the Proposed Sustainability Tax Credit Valuation of the material. The valuation is reported in US funds .
Estimated Transaction Value = (Listing Value) + (Estimated Carbon Offset Value) + (Proposed Sustainability Tax Credit Value)


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  • To add a Buy / Sell / Trade listing to this category of the Exchange, choose Add: Exchange Listings.

LDPE Waste
( Grade : Colored LDPE Scrap (baled) )

MORE LISTINGS : Wanted (5) | Available (8) Listing : LA1368801


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Quantity Units Frequency
100 ton Month
Price Funds Per Unit
- EURO ton
Colored LDPE Scrap (baled) - LDPE FILM (Mix Color) Bales Scrap/Waste. Can supply Scrap LDPE FILM (Mix Color) Bales. Our materials are post consumer. All the materials are in BALES Can load in 1X40 HC CONTAINER approx. 26-28 MT. Ready for shipment

LDPE Waste:

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